Sister Team

Sister Team
Jenn & Sarah

Friday, July 29, 2011

What happens when a mother is at her absolute wit’s end because of her young daughter’s antics in a public supermarket? Super-Mom Jenn Raymond shares her story.
Tuesday was the worst day I have had in quite some time. I was shopping with my family at Walmart when all of a sudden my six-year-old daughter, Arianna, decided to throw a tantrum.
It all started with a short-sleeve shirt, believe it or not. I was shopping for school clothes when Arianna saw a Hello Kitty t-shirt and a Monster High t-shirt. She could not decide which one to choose. So, I told her she wasn’t getting either of them. And oh boy did that piss her off! I threatened to take her out of the store and not buy her anything. Let’s just say she wasn’t very happy with me. There were arms swinging, legs kicking, words being thrown around, and so on, and so on.
And then IT happened. I started balling my eyes out in front of all to see. I didn’t care how many people saw me crying in the store. I felt so hurt and disappointed in Arianna’s poor behavior because she was taught better behavior and was choosing not to act like a young lady, but a little spoiled girl throwing a tantrum expecting to get everything she wanted and nothing less. I did not know what else to do. So I proceeded to exit from the store with a 50-lb. weight attached to my leg (my daughter). We got to the car and she was still crying and having a fit. And not even five minutes driving back home, Arianna passed right out in the back seat from, well, probably exhaustion. That was when I looked at her, smiled and thought, “Thank God she’s so cute!”
And this was the beginning of the end to my worst day ever!

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